Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Ada ke macam ini?

hi!! lama xbukak blog.busy sangat2.tiba2 je terfikir pasal "love"~gile gedik bukan? kakaka..malas nak fikir sangat buat masa sekarang.tapi ramai orang yang macam nak gila disebabkan word tu.memang betul la kan,orang cakap cinta itu buta..lalai.abaikan pelajaran.semua la..tapi ada jugak yang pandai bahagikan masa.hoho..tapi bagi saya,perkataan sayang lebih meluas maknanya dari cinta.right??~whatever a..hee=.=

what i'd do for you
in two thousand and more
i'd climb the highest
landfill mountain..

swim the most polluted ocean

cross the thickest forest
live in the smoggiest city..

cross the bussiest highway

run across the best farmland..

paddle across the deepest water supply
just to get to you..

Hak anak-anak dalam Islam

hey all!! last week ada dengar sedikit ceramah dari prof,memang best la.banyak benda saya belajar.ada sikit nak kongsi dengan kawan2 kalau suda berkeluarga nanti..hee:p

10 hak anak2 dalam Islam...

1. Hak untuk hidup
2. Hak untuk mendapat ketulenan baka
3. Hak diberi nama yang baik
4. Hak disediakan keperluan asas termasuk penyususan ibu
5. Hak di asingkan tempat tidur (bagi anak-anak mencapai usia mumaiyiz)
6. Hak mendapatkan pendidikan agama yang sempurna
7. Hak diberikan pelajaran dan asas kemahiran hidup
8. Hak dijamin keselamatan di masa depan
9. Hak diberi layanan saksama (anak lelaki dan perempuan)
10. Hak mendapat biaya dari sumber yang halal..

..anak-anak adalah permata paling berharga di,hak2 dorang perlu diutamakan.jangan sesekali abaikan tanggugjawab.tapi yang peliknya,ramai sangat orang xberperikemanusiaan sekarang..belum datang musibat agaknya,then baru nak insaf..malas nak membebel.tengah tengok showdown nie..bhahaha..oke bai:)

Take the time

Take time to love
It is the secret of eternal youth

Take time to laugh
It is the music of the heart

Take time to cry
It is the sign of a large heart!

Take the time to hear
It is the power of intelligence..

Take time to think
It is the key of success..

Take time to play
It is the freshness of childhood

Take time to dream
It is the breath of happiness

Take time to live and love..
because the time passess quickly and never returns!!

p/s: masa itu penting.don't waste your,love,respect of each other oke..??

............saya sangat2 malas sejak kebelakangan ini..banyak benda fikir..emm=.=..............


when you think you're
not happy with your LIFE..
always think that someone
is happy simply because

love is just a word
until you find someone
to give it definition..
who?? mr right?? wujud ke? just wait ye "cik abc"..hee=.=

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

I miss you a lot

i used to call you my heart
i used to call you my friend
i used to call you the love
the love that i never had
when i think of you..i don't know what to do
when will i see you again??
i miss you like crazy
every minutes of everyday..
i need you in my life..
please don't leave me..

really?? ~saya setuju~
hopefully..satu hari nanti.

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Enjoy your day and happy always!!


Lama xupdate blog..tade apa nak merepek..hee.lagi pun busy ngan praktikal.assignment pun ada bha..^^
tapi saya tetap oke2 je..walaupun letih sikit.xkesah sangat,masa depan kot..~chayok linda!!
tade topic nak cakap.tapi saya happy sekarang.tapi dalam masa yang sama fikirkan something.susah betul nak buat keputusan.banyak benda kena fikir.serabut.

life is too short to wake up in the morning,with regrets
so,love people that give you good attitude,treat you a right way
and forget the people do not love you and hurt you
if you get a chance,go ahead
in the world,do not be hypocrite

the most important things in life is love,respect,appreciation,happiness,forgiveness,sharing,honesty.
cinta....tidak semestinya bersatu~itu kata kawan2 i right??
so,apa2 pun kehidupan harus diteruskan..:)
senyum..senyum..xperlu kata apa2..bhaha~lirik lagu,entah betul ke tidak.saya tidak tahu.hoho.=.=

nota kaki: dia ingat saya ke tidak eh??